User-agent: * Allow: / Living in Zen.: 05/2011


A Day in the Life of a Zen Monk - EmptyMind Films

If you interested in Zen monk in one day,there's some movie told us. 
How do their learn,live and their activities

And this is a trailer

A trailer that shows the daily life of a zen monk in a large soto-zen monastery in Japan.
 Some parts of this clip are taken from our feature length film - The Zen Mind available on DVD at

And there's some books of Zen.

Dalai Lama Live One Day at a Time Poster Print 24x36 Collections Poster Print, 24x36 World Culture Poster Print, 24x36

Unsui: A Diary of Zen Monastic Life

Zen Interior Design


Forget bonsai, bamboo and shoji screens. Decorate to look great, but I'm not that Zen is the interior design.

Strictly speaking, the interior design is not Zen ... but should not be allowed to think about the creation of Zen "room" at home!
These spaces can be large or small, ancient or modern, provided they follow certain principles.

What principles?

The Chinese Garden: History, Art and Architecture, Third Edition

Well, this is a Zen Buddhist spiritual practice (and does not containspatial concepts of all kinds).

A practitioner of Zen is to do what is possible:

1. Keep calm, clear, pure, mind wide open.
2. Practice awareness.
3. Practice kindness to all beings (not just human).
4. Meditating in the style of zazen, sit quietly and focus on your breathing.

Chinese Garden & Chinese Sculpture

So how do you translate these practices into something that could be called "Zen Interior Design"?
Here is as follows:

1. A calm, clear, pure, large-HOME

Zen (House on Water) Art Poster Print - 24x36
Gradually take any disorder, including things with large models and colored carpets (visual, are junk, too).
Zen "part of the rehearsal room" - a desk or a table or a fine will be the one

When you see a little 'intimidating, you might begin with.
Clear that decide everything and that nothing is going on, interfere with this free, quiet space.
No decor, not things, nothing. Look at your "empty" spaceto see often when you want it at home.

You can not do - Interior design is not for everyone! But if you do, here is the next step: to reduce the color palette to calm the "quiet" and colors as little as possible (neutral work, water and earth tones, very good) model.

Unique Zen Style Asian Japanese Flooring - 8ft. Decorative Bamboo Area Rug w/ Printed Design & Slip Proof Backing - 60" x 96"

Use mix of natural materials and textures. Keep it simple.

2. Conscious Awareness
It 's easier to get in a low profile.

The least around you to stimulate the senses,the more you will see what there is, and how they are affected. Compare as a quiet and gentle (think yoga studio or SpA), what happens when it feels right outside noise and traffic.

Asian & Feng Shui Gifts - 34" Japanese Zen Emperor's Oriental Brass Gong Chimes

3. A space for loving-kindness

Expressing love for yourself and those sharing the house with the creation of a sanctuary. quality materials and exquisite simplicity that furniture is more beautiful with the years in fashion.

Good selection Zen interior design is not an issue;It is not getting the attention or the people awesome.

Avant Garden® Zen Lantern Wild Bird Feeder Model A01
 This is real quality of life.

There are many ways to focus and clear your mind and zen interior design can help to do this with ease.

Consider, for example, hold a picture or an object of great natural beauty in a strategic position, where you can often see - perhaps on the wall opposite the sofa.

The number and complexity of the objects are, the better pebbles, a piece of wood, a flower, aPicture of a waterfall or a beautiful sea work.

But not Zen interior design must look Japanese, "anyway?

 Not at all. Buddhism originated in India and was developed in China. E 'practiced all over the world. Just less is more,' so simple luxury of anti-'bling life.

Zen interior design is about to release.

Zen Interiors


Learn to meditate immediately as a Zen master

Those who want to learn to meditate?
If you do not ... you should! Why?

For meditation really one of the largest portals known to a life of incredible happiness, good health and happiness transcendent "inner" and the welfare of humanity. (And almost no practice this ancient art and science of perfection pragmatic in our hectic, stressed-Western culture)

9GreenBox - Live Spiral 3 Style Lucky Bamboo Plant Arrangement w/ Black Ceramic Vase & Silk Orchid Flower

The benefits of Beautiful learn to meditate on how to be huge ... and actually winning SHOCKING
L 'Truth?

 Some studies on the benefits of meditation real shock was coming. Certainly I was shocked .... and pretty much everyone who watches them with an open mind (no pun intended ..:-) can not help but come away with an irresistible curiosity to learn more.

Easy Instant Decoration Wall Sticker Decal - Ink Sketched Flower and Butterfly

For example -
everywhere - the practice of meditation in some of the world's toughest prisons, has reduced the violence seen at NIE rates in those populations in each culture. (And they have all manner of prison and Zen meditation programs, including the famous prison dharma network)

Easy Instant Decoration Wall Sticker Decal - Perfect Flower Stem

People who meditate regularly are happier (and healthier) - and virtually every study that seems to strengthen this practice simple but super powerful as the one true gateway to the inner (and outer) peace!

Compassion ... CONNECTION and comes from within! Yes - Learning to meditate is an extraordinary experience that can have you feeling truly and authentically with other people in a way that is effectively connecteddifficult to describe.

Fresh Flowers - 20 Purple Dendrobium Orchids with Vase

 If you are in "internal states" that are often called names like "Nirvana" and "Satori", the Eastern cultures that ..... I, finally, how does it feel to be part of one human family to learn to give learn. (It 's difficult, the feeling of emptiness and love that goes with this condition describe it simply try to understand the words)
And you can learn to meditate a master ...

Instapark™ Flower Power Color changing LED Plant Pot

Without a sound experience (or practical)
Bi-Nural beats, or the brainTechnology hemisphere is one of the fastest, easiest and most attractive ways of this beautiful, blissful states go super fast, easy and effortless, and no meditation for months, years or even decades to practice a "taste" of the transcendent or divine!

There is simply very little in your life that is open to the magic and mystery ... and the splendor of the true nature of reality and also as a meditation .... and the gift of sound and Brain Technology is driving the fastest way I know to make it happen fast!

Easy Instant Decoration Wall Sticker Decal - Growing Flowers

Find Love The Zen Way


"If it is welcome,
If you do not follow us "
Zen saying

Orange Dream Japanese Maple - 1 Year Graft

We all want love. We are all looking for some lasting relationship. But it always seems as if relationships are difficult to find it difficult to hold and enjoy.
Although many people can do everything they produce, the problems, complications and disappointment.

But Zen term, to fight on, to find and keep love is the opposite of what is needed. First, we must learn to "do nothing". We mustlearn to let go of control.

Copper Rain Chain Tulip Flower Blossom - 8 ft

Rena started Zen practice after losing two important relationships. Shaken, she was convinced that he could never hold to love.

He said the Zen master, "I can not bear to miss even one other person."

Brussel's Japanese Red Maple Bonsai

"You lose a lot," said the Zen master.
Rena gasped.
"What can I do?" Rena shot back.
"Do nothing: Zen master said.

This "do nothing" is active and vital,the opposite of passivity.
 To understand this we must take a step back.
We were born to make our world and the people to control it.

We cried for food from the mother, smiling, we crave the attention and when our needs are not met kick up a fuss. As children, we believe that others are here simply to provide us and the content.

Korg Wavedrum - Limited Edition Oriental Dynamic Percussion Synthesizer

 This kind of attitude can overcome very difficult. In fact, one can say that 99% of our energy goes into his precious lifecontrol others, so that our desires are fulfilled.

What we call love in relationships is not often that someone who makes us feel good.

The way in which Zen is the opposite.

We do not try to use other control events or a request to fulfill the life of our dreams. Instead, we grow to know and accept that everything is given, and learn to take care of the world, that we, like us, something strange happens, we will take your life happier and more.
As we grow in compassion andSimplicity, all we really need, then, of course.

Japanese Maples: Momiji and Kaede

The only real miracle is to stand still. -Henry Miller
Unfortunately, the idea of ​​"doing nothing" has been much misunderstood.

This does not mean being passive. Quite the contrary. Doing nothing is the most difficult, demanding, revolutionary statement that can be given.

 It means facing the challenges of life - letting go of control.
Learn to do this in Zen meditation we are given This statement - "Do not move." Normally you move (and react) all the time.

Chantilly Lace Japanese Maple - 1 Year Graft

If something bothers us, we move, we can change our position to do everything we can to resolve it.
Even if the condition our behavior changes for a while ', it is usually new, sometimes more, sometimes in another form. Similarly, no matter what measures we take, the relationships, often there is nothing that the difficulties that take you away.

When you give us control over the state so we can get thingsas they are.
Let the whole world to play in front of our eyes.

Asian Lady Fish Pond Art Print POSTER GARDEN - 13x19

 This implies a profound effect immense respect for the intrinsic nature of people and events to a larger design of the universe, which brings our good to us, and what does not belong anymore.

How many times we try to capture and hold what is no longer adequate, or desperate ploy to get what could be wrong. If we do not control, but guess what 'happens (or what comes our way) we surrender to a higher wisdom and makes life just to take its course.

Create Your Own Japanese Garden: A Practical Guide

The real action
If we are in a difficult situation, our actions create more exciting and more complications.
These actions are not really, but the reactions. real action is another thing.
It 'clear, spontaneous, determined and direct.

To get to the real action, we first need to do anything.
That is, we must stop doing what we used to do, cease our knee snap reactions, stop living like Sisyphus, rolling the same rock, the same mountain.
We must be able to stop taking our usual route temporary discomfort.

A Practical Guide to Japanese Gardening: An inspirational and practical guide to creating the Japanese garden style, from design options and materials to planting techniques and decorative features

How many do we bother to dissolve naturally. We are not the flames.
We do not play other than a summer rain in a thunderstorm, which can rip a complex relationship.
Faced with a difficult knot in a relationship, or if you try to find someone new to love - not to squirm and struggle, not specifiedin a fight. give up "do nothing" control.

Stay centered and immovable in the midst of the storm and see what life is really to bring to you.
Keep clear and compassionate. Let the situation develop as it is.
 Do not be occupied and acted like a leaf in the wind swirled.
Loosen the grip

Loosen My Grip

Zen teaches us how to relax our grip. While this happens you begin to see each person as they really are, not as we want or demand.
We are also aware that it is not an act of love to try  Change and control another.
It is an act of love to discover and appreciate who they really are.

If we let every moment, every person is just like the great work of doing nothing.
 It is the work of non-interference in the primordial wisdom of the universe, which runs through all things and beings, including ourselves.

Two's Company Bee Happy Dancing Solar Flower, Set of 2

If we step back and allow you to take delivery of this harmony, we will our lives be healed and strengthened. That what is right for us, of course, anddifficult situations find their care.

 If we honor and preserve life as it is given, then inevitably the life and honor holds on us.

Interlocking Heart Stainless Steel Puzzle Pendant