For a long time ago, world is a very simple place, and nowadays the world is very complicated.
Main reason for this is that there are too many human beings living on this place.
The populations have increased too rapidly.
At 1945 there were about two billion people living in the world. After thousands and thousands of years in human history, only two billion people appeared on earth, and that everything was enough.
Look at today, people were relatively simple and clear. But in just the last fifty years since the end of the Second World War, three billion more people have appeared, and then now human being have become very hard to understand.
At the nearly six billion people in the world as today, and somebody told that the next thirty years another three billion people will appear.
These facts are directly connected to the sudden increase in the amount of suffering those humans and other beings are now experiencing. Let's look at this more closely.
Nowadays mankind lives more loosely together, so their relationships have become more complex. Their desire for material things becomes deeper and stronger.
Their thinking is more complicated, their lives are more complicated, and consequently there is much more suffering than ever before. Even the kinds of suffering in the world have become more complicated as humans come up with new weapons and new ways of hurting each other.
Human beings not only make each other suffer. Nowadays, we bring much more suffering to all of the beings in this world. We hurt the air, the water, the grass, everything.
Human beings cut down whole forests, and take away the green belt. We pollute the water, the air, the ground. Human beings always say they want freedom, but actually they are the number one dictators in this world.
So nowadays it is very important that human beings wake up.
They must soon attain their correct job.
Why do you live in this world?
What are you doing in this world?
When you are born, where d you come from?
When you die, where do you go?
Everybody says, "I don't know." That is a human being. Human beings think that human beings are very clever animals.
But despite all their intelligence, if you look closely at what has happened in the world you see that human beings are actually the stupidest animals, because human being don't understand human beings.
A dog understands what a dog should do, and cats understand what cats should do. AH animals understand their job and only do it.
But we don't understand our correct job and correct way in this world, and instead we lived only ourselves.
So meanwhile time passes, everybody gets old and does. When you die, where do you go? Despite all their intelligence and cleverness, human beings don't understand the answer to this very important question.
If we want to understand ourselves and help all beings get out of suffering, we must first understand where this world's suffering comes from.
Everything arises from our minds. Buddhist teaching shows that everything comes from primary cause, condition, and result.
This means that some primary cause, when it appears under a certain condition, will always produce a certain result. So what is the reason for so many beings appearing in this world, and what is the result of it?
Why is there so much suffering, and why does it seem to increase every day?
Perhaps the most important reason for such a dramatic increase in the amount of suffering in this world is the increase in the amount of meat-eating that humans do.
Before World War II, human beings did not eat so much meat. Asia, people have always generally eaten meat only on special occasions, perhaps only twice a year, on one of the major holidays.
Nowadays, Asians eat meat sometimes several times a day. The same has been true in the west for generations. This century has seen a very big increase in the amount of meat-eating on the planet. But how is this connected to the dramatic increase in suffering all over the world?
From : The compass of Zen by Zen Master Seuns Sahn
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