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Zen mind

Zen's mind

Apperception Zen is one of those ambiguous phrases used by Zen agent to contact you, even stop, to go beyond words and I wonder what your perception and reality. 

That is the purpose of all Zen teachings you complete admiration and fear that with the announcement of their appreciation for the more intimate nature. The handwriting on the advanced reading of the sacred in Japanese moray or Tathagata in Sanskrit.

 This is a term for the Buddha, the Agency: "He who has the path, the deputy was Tabitha, or Tabitha, Tabitha, NESS, the vacuum that has followed all gone." And 'the adoption arena that makes possible the realization of a Buddha. 

E 'Zen mind. By the time Suzuki Roshi calligraphy written this application for a fuck the frayed end of a large sword-like leaves of yucca plants in the mountains of Zen Mountain Center in abundance, said: "This agency, the Tathagata is the anatomy carried out the world.”

The apperception convenience of Zen is the beginner's mind. Chastity Native Question, what am I? Calve effective throughout Zen practice. The apperception of the beginner is empty, you agree to the headset on the habits of the experts on the Internet, doubt, and open to all possibilities. 

And 'the pet of apperception can see, things can, like them, the frequency of walking into a bundle and the customer, the aborigines on the Internet are all recorded. 

This convenience of Zen Apperception is initially through the entire book. Sometimes directly or by deduction, by the way each section of the book, the catechism, as this attitude brain through your work and life to come. This is an ancient way of teaching, used the most straightforward application of stress and life situations. The agency should advise the apprentice

An apperception beginner was an announcement of Dogen Zenji-admired. The calligraphy of the title, the addition of Suzuki Roshi, Shoshin law or beginner's mind. 

The way of Zen calligraphy is the best easy, easy like you're a beginner address, not aggravating element reaches or beautiful, but it makes sense for autographs with full absorption, as you would Advertencies what signing to get to the Native American term ; back to your rich Intermeeting your letter. This is the way to convenience moment by moment.

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