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What is Zen.

Zen is one of Buddhist sect, it had signed in a Buddhist sect for a long time ago and then developed in Chinese  during the 7th and 8th centuries by combining the concept of Mahayana Buddhism from India. And philosophical Taoism in China.

The word "Zen" is a derivation from the language ridge Kingdom of the "Dhyana" and Pali as "contemplation" (Jhana) which means "meditation" on Buddhism when had public  to China.

Chinese is pronounced "Shan" (Ch'an) subsequently developed a Shan Buddhist sect. And when Japan has been the influence of this concept into the Shan Sect. Buddhist sect called "Zen" because the Japanese word pronounced "Shan" is a "Zen"

Zen Buddhist has developed into the Bureau, but many concepts together is a Buddhist-oriented meditation.

The origin of the concept of Zen, that was signed by the Buddha on the form for a long time ago. Thao Mahaprom asked Buddha The following ;.

One priest who has the time you sat at the mountain region Kitchakoot Thao Mahaprom came to offering the flower for Buddhist to teach him . After that he then sit down and Buddha  only show up at the shooting flowers among league.

Then do not say anything at that time human beings are different and discriminatory ,nobody  understand the meaning, but Mahagassapa smile a little so Buddha said that.
" There is a direct  Mahagassapa had really understand  Nirvana and mental visiting Conditions that would not look real"given to a great art, then.
(Thaweewat Pundharigawat, 2530: 9-10).

Mahagassapa is  a patch of excellence in intellectual property. there's the tradition to give a clothes  of the Buddha was from here, the tradition of delivering the yellow robe and begging bowl Sangkathi which is the symbol of His Holiness Parinayok succession of sects signed.

 If the Zen formula is based on this considered. Mahagassapa send art as His Holiness body 1 in India and the investigation of their own until His Holiness body 28, which is the Bodhi Dharma.

 Bodhidharma have brought Buddhism to the public of China thers's teach  CURRENT Hui (Hui c'o) Buddhist sect in the territory of China will be signed after the Bodhi Dharma is the  Holiness  1 of Zen in China.

 It was the succession of ever coming. Until the reign of His Holiness  6 is your Serene d Hui (Hui - neng) or you Wei Lang (AD 638-713) after the signing of  Buddhist sect was broken into five broad field space. network Yang (Wen - Yang) Xiamen Yun (Yun - Men) Far warped as (Fa - Yen) stalks the Font (Ts'ao - Tung) and Xi Lin (Lin - Chi) and has been an important field. inheritance until today, only 2 were withered branch samples and Chi Lin Buddhist religion in these two fields of land border itself into the modern Japanese get in Ma Sakura .Kamakura AD 1185 to 1333),  Impact site (Eisai. AD 1141 - 1215) was the founder. 

The line was adopted by Lin Xi publish sect called the "Prince of site signs" (Rinzai Zen) Office is emphasis on thorough knowledge instantly by using Koan. To create doubt in the mind continuously. 

Until finally it reach the sudden knowledge that is informed by the results of the practice of meditation is the opposite of each other. Koan is using methods that lead to enlightenment. 

And later (AD 1200 to 1253) has introduced the concept of the line decline to publish called "sects" Soto signed "(Sōtō Zen)  of the focus on action Zazen (Zazen) or. Meditation is the key. The development of mental peace and stability to the enlightened. 

The teaching of the Bureau Soto stressed that the signing. Practice, the outcome of a unified practice. The practice is not "how" to achieve some external goal. But the most wanted point is Nirvana is the highest point from all practice.

Zazen is the Japanese word for "sitting meditation.

" Za means "to sit" and Zen means "medita¬tion."

 The Chinese word for zazen is T'so-chuan.

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