Forget bonsai, bamboo and shoji screens. Decorate to look great, but I'm not that Zen is the interior design.
Strictly speaking, the interior design is not Zen ... but should not be allowed to think about the creation of Zen "room" at home!
These spaces can be large or small, ancient or modern, provided they follow certain principles.
What principles?
Well, this is a Zen Buddhist spiritual practice (and does not containspatial concepts of all kinds).
A practitioner of Zen is to do what is possible:
1. Keep calm, clear, pure, mind wide open.
2. Practice awareness.
3. Practice kindness to all beings (not just human).
4. Meditating in the style of zazen, sit quietly and focus on your breathing.
Here is as follows:
1. A calm, clear, pure, large-HOME
Gradually take any disorder, including things with large models and colored carpets (visual, are junk, too).
Zen "part of the rehearsal room" - a desk or a table or a fine will be the one
When you see a little 'intimidating, you might begin with.
Clear that decide everything and that nothing is going on, interfere with this free, quiet space.
No decor, not things, nothing. Look at your "empty" spaceto see often when you want it at home.
You can not do - Interior design is not for everyone! But if you do, here is the next step: to reduce the color palette to calm the "quiet" and colors as little as possible (neutral work, water and earth tones, very good) model.
2. Conscious Awareness
It 's easier to get in a low profile.
The least around you to stimulate the senses,the more you will see what there is, and how they are affected. Compare as a quiet and gentle (think yoga studio or SpA), what happens when it feels right outside noise and traffic.
3. A space for loving-kindness
Expressing love for yourself and those sharing the house with the creation of a sanctuary. quality materials and exquisite simplicity that furniture is more beautiful with the years in fashion.
Good selection Zen interior design is not an issue;It is not getting the attention or the people awesome.
This is real quality of life.
There are many ways to focus and clear your mind and zen interior design can help to do this with ease.
Consider, for example, hold a picture or an object of great natural beauty in a strategic position, where you can often see - perhaps on the wall opposite the sofa.
The number and complexity of the objects are, the better pebbles, a piece of wood, a flower, aPicture of a waterfall or a beautiful sea work.
But not Zen interior design must look Japanese, "anyway?
Not at all. Buddhism originated in India and was developed in China. E 'practiced all over the world. Just less is more,' so simple luxury of anti-'bling life.
Zen interior design is about to release.
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