The answer is that I am in a spiritual retreat, since early July. It was announced, my job, found a cave --- The Whole Nine Yards!
It seems that I met this Zen master. If you've heard? Of course.
The hardest thing for the Zen master is that you can not always recognize as such.
My firstGuess this guy was that he was a homeless elderly homeless.
But Zen masters often go around in disguise and reveal himself. Sometimes you have to find it. He certainly fooled me at first. It was not in Asia. His behavior was not happy. It was a bit 'inconsistent, and he did not smell very nice.
How do I know?
During our short conversation gave me a koan. Just in case you do not know, Koan is a very specific question that many Zen masterspresent to their students as the focal point for their practice of meditation.
The best known is the general public would be "What is the sound of one hand clapping?"
What is the answer. you can not say. I've never used that, and even if I did, I would not be able to. The answer is not really an answer, at least not as we used to.
There is a change in the test set, students can go to the next step towards a future spiritual enlightenment.
He did not ask meon the "applause.
" Instead, he asked me a question that I did not recognize at first as a koan. He asked: "If your so damn smart, why do not you rich?"
Of course, since I did not recognize the man as a Zen master, and there is the question of a common place down in our culture, now do not realize that this was a koan.
In short, I came to understand the truth of the situation disturbed me because the issue. I could not sleep. I have experienced the loss of appetite. I wasincreasingly irritable and depressed. I had to fix them.
I will not go into details of my retirement --- grueling months, I say I go mainly on spiders trapped in the cave. No, this is for my novel, or perhaps my diet book. However, I will share two very important lessons that came as a result.
1) How smart is just another label that is given to us -. Usually when you are young and easily impressed. We accept both the label or do not. It 's trueis not as bad as the word "stupid", but it may still prove to be a burden.
A brand creates an expectation that we carry with us wherever we go. Often we spend a lot of energy in order to validate this label.
Let me give you an example.
Have you ever met someone as evidence for no other reason than that he was the smartest person in the world was created?
You go out with him? Do you think this person really enjoys other people? You anyone ever wonder why he was not rich?
2) What idiot equates his "rich" with money. We are "rich" when we enjoy what we have right here --- really, come now.
So what's my point?
If we look at the practice of meditation, we judge our experience --- our physical sensations, our breath, our environment as a new and unique experience not to evaluate or learn to accept. Ideally, we will learn to apply these days.
When you get to know new people, we do not knowPre-judge them as individuals or in what they have to pay us.
Most of you reading the notice that I do not think the little old drunk was a Zen master (I hope), or that I actually lived in a cave is a miserable excuse anyway.
I could put my lap top with me. The point is that everyone we meet has the potential to help a little 'bit ---' what we need, regardless of that person's station in life or behavior. NotMiss the mystery of "Zen masters" in your life.
Feel better?
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