The quiet easy, fast.
No matter what is happening around us, we should not be taken into stress or anxiety. It 'important to learn to calm down quickly this as negative emotions can easily become addictive.
The longer we cling to them, the harder it can be let go. Zen offers many ways to stay free of negativity.
This article is based consultancy Zen principles and value-centered. It provides convenient and effective measures to calmdown, feel good about themselves and to establish the peaceful town by storm.
Open the treasure house Within
The student Zen said: "Open the treasure inside." This is a reminder that we are all endowed with many resources hidden within.
To access our innate abilities, we have to stop anywhere and forget to depend on others. Instead we are told to spend time each day, the responsibility for what went on inside.
We turn Attention to discover who we really are and stop rejecting ourselves and others. How can we do this, we begin the treasury cell inside.
Make we are what we think. If we set up an idea person, or situation, it is easy to administer self-centered, obsessive thoughts caught.
The more we make sure that the negative or upsetting, which has more power to govern our lives.
This can be countered easily.
Take the control of attention and concentration, what you have on. Spend time every day to develop concentration. This is called meditation (or zazen).
Sit with your back straight, do not move, follow your natural breath.
Let the thoughts come and go randomly. Do not suppress, but do not let them grab your attention.
(Before being under siege, but if it is simply amazing for many thoughts and feelings and then return your attention to your breath, which will soon die down). CountYour breath from one to ten, then repeat.
Do this for at least ten to fifteen minutes without moving. With no move to stop what is called the monkey mind. Stop the Monkey mind.
The mind is the monkey mind jumping from one thing to another, fears, wishes, critics and sabotages our lives. It 's the part of us, the pain and anxiety caused. paid for the acquisition of focus by any consideration or respond to the negativity of many of the monkey mindthrows our way, we are balanced and calm.
How do we do this regularly, we are no longer removed by feelings and thoughts. Instead, we find a quiet place in the storm on which we can always go for comfort and durability.
Focus on strengths not weaknesses
Since we focus on our strengths not disappear, our weaknesses, piece by piece, fear, anger and depression. Rather than struggling with the problems, we learn, are available for solutions.
This is accomplished through the workFocus. The question we must always keep before us: What should I focus on this moment?
Life is continually renewed and you are confronted with new tasks, challenges, opportunities and solutions, day after day. We are in contact with this reality more and more fluent?
Let's focus on the gifts that we will always be welcomed and ways we can go to others?
With the election of the responsibility for our company, we focus on solving the root cause of our suffering - a monkey that has been made. Initiate constructive action.
Once we take our attention, we asked him about what you get what we should be grateful. Then it is easy to take the next step and become fully aware of what others of us need what we have to offer, as we return. So we will.
We act. Do not hesitate. We focus on simple daily actions that are constructive for ourselves and others.
We spend some time each day to do "works of service", to find ways we can give to others, make their days easier and happier.
When you focus on giving and encouraging others, something strange happens - our personal fear disappears, and we ourselves are filled with joy.
Self-esteem - it was not long before we are with something even more important than pleasure.
A Main source of stress and anxiety is low self-esteem, feeling bad about us.
The most effective way to get rid of this is to have a good dose of self-esteem.
If we fill our lives with the development of self-confidence building measures, of course.
It did not take place by artificially raising self-esteem, but as a result of a life worthy of respect.
In this way we grow in the position of every situation life presents us.
If we are able to do so, we not only stillslightly, but enjoy all aspects of our time.
We feel like life is a gift we receive, and we are a gift of life.
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